Why Improving Your Gut Health is the Secret to a Better Mood

By Health Plus

Have you ever wondered why you get nauseous when you are stressed or why you get “butterflies in your stomach” when you’re nervous? It’s because your brain and stomach are connected!

The link between your digestion, mood, health, and brain function has been studied for years. A key finding through many studies shows that the same chemicals found in your gut are found in your brain. Therefore, if your gut is damaged in any way, it can affect other parts of the body such as memory, the ability to fight off sickness, and nutrition. Before knowing how to improve your gut health for a better mood, the reasons the gut affects the brain are as follows:

mood & mental health

An interruption of the gut microbiome has been said to be associated with anxiety and depression for some. If you’ve ever had a change in bowel movements during a time in your life that was filled with stress or sadness, this is why. So it is just that easy, changing the way you eat can directly change the inner workings of your gut to make for a more positive outcome! Adding a scoop of psyllium husk provides 22% daily fiber and helps your gut. 

Memory & brain health

There have been studies that showcase a correlation of certain brain disorders such as Parkinson’s and schizophrenia to disrupt the gut microbiome. By changing the bacteria within your gut, you may be able to impact your memory and long term brain function. What you feed your body has a direct correlation to how your body works! Start feeding it nutrients it wants and craves for optimal performance. Pre and probiotics are a great place to start!

Immune System

70% of the body’s immune system is housed in the gut. When the gut is impaired, it can lead to autoimmune diseases and inflammatory conditions. This means you are more likely to get sick just from the food you are eating. By enhancing your gut health, you can decrease the chances of getting sick and improve your mood.

nutrition / Digestion

If your stomach is in an altered state, it hinders the performance of absorbing vital nutrients, properly digesting food and water to support your bodily functions.

Have you ever heard the saying “You are what you eat”? To this point, it stands true. If you fuel well, you will feel well and the opposite applies. In order to improve your mood, it starts from within - clean your gut by feeding it whole foods and nutrient rich supplements to compliment the inner workings and you will quickly improve your mood!

Prebiotic Formula & Probiotic Fiber Bundle
Prebiotic Formula & Probiotic Fiber Bundle
Prebiotic Formula & Probiotic Fiber Bundle
Prebiotic Formula & Probiotic Fiber Bundle

Prebiotic Formula & Probiotic Fiber Bundle

Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag
Pure Psyllium Husk Bag

Pure Psyllium Husk Bag

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